Jack Doggett - Cryptographic systems

This page describes the cryptographic systems I use to sign messages created by me and allow secure communication.

My top level crypto system is my Signify key which I use to sign messages. Lower level keys (such as PGP) are signed with my Signify key. Signify is preferable to GNU Privacy Guard for my top level crypto system due to its simplicity (GPG is bloated and has a terrible interface), and most functions I will do will be signing messages. You can download my public signify key here. You can verify the messages I sign using this public key.

Download my public signify key: wget https://crypto.doggett.tech/jack.pub

Verify file with seperate signature file: signify -V -p jack.pub -m message -x sigfile

Verify file with embedded signature: signify -V -e -p jack.pub -m message

Verify gzip archive: signify -V -ez -p jack.pub -m file.gz

Verify this html page: wget https://crypto.doggett.tech/index.html; wget https://crypto.doggett.tech/jack.pub; wget https://crypto.doggett.tech/index.html.sig; signify -V -p jack.pub -m index.html -x index.html.sig

I intend to create a PGP key in the future.